Industrial Water / Wastewater Treatment

Menu for Industrial Water / Wastewater Treatment
Industrial Water Treatment

To treat raw water such as potable water, industrial water and well water, we will offer facilities that ensure a stable supply of water of a quality suited for the applications of each customer.
Flocculation and Sedimentation Facilities
Filtration Facilities
Advanced Water Purification Facilities for Water Re-Use (Tertiary Treatment)
Pure Water and Ultra-Pure Water Production

This facility produces pure water and ultra-pure water such as process water and flushing water that can address requirements for very pure water.
Ion Exchange Resin Demineralizers
Electric Desalination Unit
RO Filtration Demineralizers
Wastewater Treatment

Combining various biological treatments and a physiochemical treatment, we offer space-saving and energy-saving wastewater treatment facilities based on the engineering most suitable for the wastewater discharged from customers' sites.
Bio-treatment Facilities
Coagulation and Sedimentation Equipment
Filtration Equipment
Advanced Water Purification Facilities (Tertiary Treatment)
Sludge Treatment

By effectively reducing the volume of sludge generated from wastewater treatment through dehydration and drying, we will reduce costs related to the treatment of industrial waste as well as environmental impact.
Sludge Dehydration Facilities
Odor and VOC Treatment

By eliminating odor and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) produced from production processes, their diffusion to the surrounding area is prevented.
Deodorization Facilities
Water Recovery / Water Recycle

Reusable water is recovered from wastewater. Precious water resources can be effectively used by reducing the basic unit of the water.
Water Reclamation Equipment
Concentration and Recovery of Valuables

We offer facilities that allow cost reductions related to industrial waste treatment through thickening and reducing the volume of liquid wastes that are difficult to decompose and whose treatment should be consigned to external operators. Facilities to thicken and recover valuables (copper etc.) from liquid wastes are also available.
Thickening of Wastewater
Reclamation of Valuables
Water Treatment for Aquarium Facility

We offer engineering services for facilities suitable for customers in the amusement industry such as aquariums and theme parks.
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