More than 50 years before the term "sustainability" became widely recognized, we were already working to create a safe and secure society through the construction and management of water infrastructure in Japan and abroad.

In these days when the realization of a sustainable society on a global scale is positioned as an urgent social issue and action plans to achieve it are widely discussed, the role we can play is more important than ever before.

The SDGs are a common global benchmark for achieving a sustainable society, and provide an overview of the issues that all stakeholders, including governments, businesses, academia, and civil society should contribute to from three perspectives: economy, society, and environment. In particular, there are high expectations for creativity and innovation of private sectors. We believe that if we can play an active role in this effort, it will unleash our own potential and encourage sound growth.

We will continue our corporate activities with a strong awareness of the goals set forth in the SDGs, and will work towards creating further economic, social and environmental value.

Yasuda Masanori

President and CEO

Swing Corporation